Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lil' Robo

Been working on rigging a little robot model for a short animation. Then I wanted to do a photo composite.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Test render for a BFA photo project. Been familiarizing myself with GLSL texture painting.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Subway- Altered Perspective

Trying out the simple deform modifier...a very useful, quick way to get really elegant bends and twists out of complex objects that would normally take forever to model by hand.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Ornithopter Commercial

A project I have wanted to do for a while. Based on the description of ornithopters in Frank Herbert's Dune saga. The design was drawn in Photoshop, then modeled, rendered, and animated all in Blender 2.59.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Final animation progress

I have the two characters modeled and the rigs built so far, along with some of their accessories modeled (not rendered).

this was the concept drawing for Constructo.

This is the most recent render of the two characters.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Testing particles

Testing out Blender's new fluid physics for particle systems on recreated geometry of the EMU stairs.

Particle Test from Brett Ciccarello on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Reaper from Brett Ciccarello on Vimeo.
I finished the second version. The tracking is much better, and I did manual masking in AE. I like the timing of the animation a lot better and I figured out how to properly parent an armature to a path without it deforming the mesh in strange ways.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I have started modeling the "Death" character. Routine stuff. What I'm really excited about is finally sitting down and taking time to learn how to make an IK rig. I based the rig construction on what I remembered from the human meta-rig that used to be included in older versions of Blender, and used a tutorial to help with figuring out how to make a good IK setup. The most useful thing I found was being able to use unparented bones as IK controllers so the bone chain doens't get confused and start freaking out, and some bones as pole targets for the elbows and knees so they are always point the right direction.

Also, using B-bones instead of the default bone shape allows you to segment a single bone into many little pieces and applies a bezier curve when that bone is moved (the amount of curve can be manipulated), which allows for a natural curving of the spine, and the forearm to twist from elbow to wrist.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Messing with Materials

The Shiny knight looks pretty badass...but it takes so long to render. Going to have to find a way to simulate metal without using reflectivity. The toon knight was just for fun, but I like the result.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Progress 2

The pawn's cowl has been finished and have started building his vest. Contemplating using a cloth modifier rather than hand modeling the wrinkles as on the cowl.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Character Model Progress 1

I decided late Sunday evening that my head was being lost in crappy edge loops and starting to build up too many faces, so I scrapped it and built it all anew. I was rewarded with proper edge looping and a low poly count.

Here's the first test render of the face.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to the old grindstone

Chess pieces made with a 3 point lighting system (sun light as key, and two area lights filling the scene) with a spherical sky map to enhance reflections.